Thursday, January 7, 2016

Under Sink Solution

There has been a lot of activity under our kitchen sink so it was no surprise when I started noticing a little bit of water damage in the cabinet. It wasn't bad at all. Truth is it was barely noticeable. I could only see it with a flash light on but it still bothered me. 

As with almost every project, I get sooooooo excited when I get all my supplies together and just get straight to work forgetting to take pictures :( Thank goodness I caught myself before it was too late and managed to take a picture after laying down one of the tiles. You can't even notice the water damage in the pictures right?
The only supplies needed for this project are peel and stick tiles which can be found in any home improvement store (I got mine from Lowes...spent $5 on 6 tiles) and a paper trimmer which I already had to cut the tiles to size.
I know this post is not about storage solutions but since we are under the sink already I wanted to sneak in some pictures of the doors.
I used 3 hooks on one of the doors to hang a few items and also used command strips to stick 2 BYGEL containers from ikea on the other door to store the scrubbing pads I use for my cooktop and little things like that.

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